This is, at least to me, a little known part of history. I love the concept: The federal government requires you to own a firearm before you can own the land.
The Florida Armed Occupation Act of 1842 (5 U.S. Statutes 502) was passed to encourage the settlement of Florida. The Florida District General Land Offices were responsible for the handling of claims made under this Act.
The Act granted 160 acres of unsettled land south of the line separating townships 9 and 10 South (a line running East/West about three miles north of Palatka and about ten miles south of Newnansville) to any head of a family under three conditions:
(1) the land selected could not be within two miles of a military post;
(2) the settler or his heirs must own and be able to bear arms and live on the land for five years; and
(3) the settler must clear five acres, and build a house.
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