Sunday, September 23, 2012

June 2012, A Day In Washington, DC

June in Washington, DC. One daughter and family lives in Takoma Park, MD. Another daughter and her family lives in Ft Rucker, AL. Two states, two school systems; one is out the other still in session. So while two grandsons attended school in MD, the rest of us went into DC. Years ago, while stationed in Bainbridge, MD I used to hit the pubs in DC. But during this trip, I basically had no idea where i was. We went in by rail and left the same way. I got on and off when my daughter Marcy said "Get!"

My blushing bride, the Nana, daughter Jac and her son, Ise.

Sitting on the edge of a reflecting pool; Nana, Marcy, Jac, in the back and Ise, Skylar and Delainey in the front.

A close-up of the previous picture.

Nana and Cheez!

A Triceratops in the bushes!

The Washington Monument!

Not everyone was completely satisfied. The day was hot but you can see the family in the background as they support Delainey.


Now the entire group is starting to look a little bedraggled. But that is how it is in DC!

Another of Nana and Cheez. I have to throw an occasional picture of me in so folks will know I was there!.

Nana and Cheez somewhere in Washington, DC.

Skylar, Delainey and Isaac, hamming it up in Washington, DC.

Nana and Ise sitting on the reflecting pool.

This is from the Law Enforcement Officer's Memorial. The memorial fills a small park and there are a lot of names engraved on the walls. To many!

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