This is the front or South side of the house. $2K worth of sod does not cover a half acre lot. We put the sod around the house to cut down on the amount of dirt coming into the house.
This is the right side or East Side of the house. The sod goes almost to the grown over area we wanted to leave.
This is the back or North side of the house. The area left bare is for installing a concrete or field stone patio which will have a pergola type covering over it for shade and to hang plants from.
This shows the left or West side of the house. We ran a minimal amount of sod on this side. Kind of out of sight out of mind. We will also be spreading around some seed to help fill in. We are using Centipede grass, I had all of the St Augustine grass I can stand. Centipede does not get a thick thatch and grows relatively short.