The February birthday boys. Ise and Sky Bean are each wearing their Birthday Hats by Marcy. The Birthday Hats indicate their wearers age, except for the Old Salt's, his has a question mark instead of an age. That way the hat can be used again. Besides, dry as it gets around here, no one wanted to be responsible for a conflagration from candles on a cake.

This is a dual purpose cake, half yellow cake and half chocolate cake. The surprise was the bottom layer was chocolate and the top layer was yellow so you got some of each. The cake for two, since Isaac and I were born on the same date...60 years apart, was presented with his candles and the Happy Birthday song and then presto change-o, it came back with my candles and another Birthday Song. Then we ate it.

The little dude, aka Sky Bean, got a custom made carrot cake the size of a giant cupcake which he did his best to devour. His mom also brought carrot cake cupcakes for all to share. Chocolate cake and carrot cake on the same day. It doesn't get much better than that.

We destroyed a Transformer Pinata so everyone had plenty of candy to take with them when they left. Each of them got about three tries with a bat, then they pulled all of the strings to get the candy. When it became obvious progress was stalled, I as the big birthday boy whacked the candy right out of that pinata.

Sky Bean enjoying the outdoor play kitchen Nana put together for the grandchildren to play with. There is plenty of sand to play in along with old pots and pans plus utensils.