A saw fish laying on the bottom. There are very few fish pictures, they are extremely hard to get through the glass. The glass not only reflects the flash back into the camera but the auto focus focuses the camera on the glass, not the specimen you are looking at behind the glass. On top of that the light is reduced and the fish are continually moving.

Mom and inside the tunnel that allows human travel through the middle of the fish tank.

The Blushing Bride, Nana, with one of her grand boys. You can see she has always been smitten by nautical types.

Mom and family posing at the Ripley's Aquarium.

The Old Salt, aka Cheez, with his Blushing Bride inside the aquarium. There were hundreds of people there that day. The day before when we passed by, but did not enter, there was no one in the area.

Inside the barrels are small exhibits or information.

Delainums liked this particular one because it was like an aquarium with small fish swimming in it.

Cheez and Nana are keeping little sister busy while her Mom and brother are looking at an exhibit of baby sea creatures which involved a terribly long line to get in.

Still babysitting here also.

Mom and brother were gone a long time and it is hard to keep this one interested. At 13 months old, she has no trouble letting you know she wants to do it her way.

Her's is really cute.

Nana showing Delainums one of the smaller aquariums.

This is more to her liking, Hands On. Here she is petting a Horseshoe Crab in the Petting Tank. No Fear here.

This exhibit shows how the water is maintained and distributed throughout the aquarium. Delainums is shown here making a few minor hands on adjustments to ensure quality control of the aquariums water.

This was identified by Ise as we walked down the entrance ramp as an Angler Fish. I guess he saw the little lure hanging off the front. He called it from about 25 feet away and while on another level. Good call. The lure is in the upper right corner of the picture, it looks like a baseball.

A navigational buoy located outside the exit of the aquarium.