Saturday, April 26, 2008

The Graduate And His Proud Little Brother

When summer is over, he will be a full fledged kindergartner.

Look out world, here he comes!!!

Here is the proud little brother, Will.

He got to stay out of preschool to watch his big brother graduate.

He is wearing his first tie.

He was very proud of that tie because he looked just like his Dad.

Golden Knights Headed Home

On Saturday, 19 April, 2008 the Ft Bragg MWR had their opening ceremony for the various children's sports they sponsor.

The Army Golden Knights participated in the ceremony by jumping into the sports field in front of the crowd.

This picture of father and son leaving the field together says it all.

HerdBall Update

A picture of a four month old and a picture of a four year old. It looks like he is still having a good time, as he continues to learn the fine art of HerdBall. At the speed some of those kids were moving it was hard to believe they are at the lowest level of the game. He is having fun, but his team, the Panthers lost by about 6 to 1 and the other team's players scored all of the points.