On a hot day in June we decided to go bowling just get out of the sun while staying out of the heat. For these guys, fun is the name of the game, even though each one of them was saying he was going to win.

Here Gus practices his slam to the floor delivery.

When you are this age, the delivery is not as relevant as the returning victory dance. A theme you will see often in these pictures.

As at all public events, while some work the crowd, others work a purse.

Here, Mom offers advice on the delivery.

And again we have the return from delivery victory dance.

Ise approaches the line for his delivery.

Wil awaits his returning ball while keeping his fingers clear.

Ise is a well known enemy of the elusive pretzel. He hunts them down and estroys them where ever he finds them.

Even Beaner, age 13 months, thinks he can do it. It sure looks like he is figuring his next shot.

Making sure the pins have reset.

The delivery, not bad at all.

Gus working on his delivery.

Future bowlers don't come any cuter than this.

Nana, the head cheerleader and her able assistant.

The scoreboard, not exactly accurate as the bowlers randomly pushed some of the controls.


More delivery.

Another dance for ball control.

And the victory strut.
The following three pictures were taken in succession while the ball was rolling down the lane towards the pins.

The ball is delivered down the lane.

Prayers for guidance are said.

Consolation is offered.