After our cruise, the local grandchildren could not wait to get out here and see their Nana and Cheez. So the persuaded their Mom to bring them out for an afternoon at Nana and Cheez's place. Here are some pictures from that visit.

Newbie has now found his legs. He has started to pull himself up in his crib to the standing position. He also can now change his location as he sees fit. Notice his head is up. You can't see from the picture but his eyes are following his brothers who are running around with a ball.

Here is Will with a ball. He doesn't care what kind of ball it is. Give it to him and turn him loose in the backyard. Kick, catch, run or mater to him.

Running and expending energy is where it's at. Here are Gus and Will flopping in the grass after a hard workout. Boys love flopping in the grass.

Balls also have other uses when you have that wore out feeling.

Here is Newbie up and ready to roll. He can't catch his brothers yet but I predict he probably will walk fairly early. He has lots of desire to get into the herd.

Another shot of Gus rolling in the grass.

Will is also flopped out flat in the grass.

Being no fool, Newbie has persuaded the Nana to give him a bath in the sink. He doesn't want anything to do with the dreaded grass itch.