I inspected my Glock before reusing and I could find no problem with the pistol. The brass .40 caliber ammo I used afterwards all functioned normally. I will no longer use any aluminum cased ammunition in any of my Glocks.
If anyone has had any similar experiences, I would be interested to hear about it.
Updated on 10/22/08:
Some nice folks on the Gunboards Forum at: http://forums.gunboards.com/
were kind enough to suggest I contact Blazer with my pictures and questions. Here is their response:
The Old Salt: what you discovered was a rare incident of the case missing the "head-turn operation" during case making. In this instance it is not a matter of the extractor groove not "existing anymore", there never was an extractor groove on the case. Since the round was fired in a Glock and it has a rectangular firing pin, look to see if the bulge in the case matches with the feed-ramp in the barrel i.e. 6 o'clock or 12 o'clock when looking at the rectangular firing pin mark on the primer. That would be my guess as to the reason for the bulge. The disconnector on the Glock should keep it from firing when the slide is not "in-battery" a safety feature built into the gun.
Pressure and velocity from the round should equal that of the other rounds in the box as they would have all been loaded at the same time, no safety issue.
Since the cartridge headspaces on the case mouth it went into the chamber properly. What I find interesting is there must have been enough lip on the back of the case that the extractor was able to hook the case and extract it. Had that not happened, the next round would not have been able to feed as the case would have remained in the chamber blocking feeding of the next round.
Sorry for the problem, does that explain what and how it happened?
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