Today Old Salt, aka Cheez and Blushing Bride, aka Nana, hosted three Grandboys along with their Mom.
At lunchtime their was the mandatory McDonald's Cheeseburger Happy Meal run down the road. The two older Grandboys and I had Happy Meals and their Mom ate a healthy fish sandwich; a Number 11 meal in Ronald speak.
The Blushing Bride stayed home with the youngest Grandboy. She is not much of a Happy Meal aficionado and it was time for the little guy to get a snooze. Lemme tell you, Nana knows about babies and snoozes.
After lunch the Grandboys Mom enforced the mandatory after lunch rest period.

Gus coming in long on the big ball.

Somebody tickled Mom's fancy. Baby Newbie likes to keep his eyes on me and the camera.

Nana gets some leg on the ball. Notice the ball is no longer round from that well placed foot. I think it was out-of-round for at least an hour.

Will has just awoke from his rest period and is in that stage of coming around. He is tearing that blueberry muffin up. Will never wants to take a rest but he usually falls asleep first.

Another shot of baby foot. The way he was sitting I could not get both in the same frame so I aimed for one.

Gus has just launched the ball with a hefty kick.