Another newbie, launched today at 0855 am. length is 20m inches and she weighed in at 7lbs 1 oz. All concerned are doing well.

With her little hat off you can observe the phenomenal amount of hair on her head. The slickness around the eyes is medication placed their by the hospital staff.

These are two of the Rescue Rangers who showed up to assist Blue Daddy. Mom had to do post surgical care following the Cesarean and Blue daddy got to be with his new daughter alone for about two hours before the rescue rangers arrived. Here they are meeting the newbie.

Here is Blue Daddy making some of the notification calls to family and friends.

Finally, the Mom after being in recovery for a couple of hours and the newbie who has been being checked and rechecked while waiting with Blue daddy meet.

these baby feet are for Aunt Marcy, I got them first.

Here is a close shot of Newbie on one of her blankets. She really looks pretty in her pink outfit.

She pays attention to what is going on. I didn't include any pictures of her getting loud, but her vocal cords and volume appear to be in good working order.

Today was a very good day to become the Big Brother.

As you can see, Mom and Nana are doing fine. This was taken just before we left this evening.
Nana and I now have three grandkids whose birthdays are on the 27th of the month. None of them are in the same month nor are any of them in the same family but interesting never-the-less.