Cheez's Pictures from Thanksgiving.

Armchair Admirals and Generals at work with their troops the night before Thanksgiving Day.

I'm not afraid of scales like some folks I know.

Lego Masters at work.

Nana and daughter getting ready for the Thanksgiving Day festivities.

While the meal was not quite ready, someone was getting very hungry. Here he is offering me a seat so we can eat together.

Part of the North Florida crew.

There were cameras everywhere you looked.

Some folks got a little tired later in the day.

A new game he plays is called "Whisper in your ear, or Tell me a secret."

These pies are a good indication of how the day went. They were made by my daughter and were very tasty.

Another mother and daughter combination.

Transformer fan.



Our pound puppy, 90 pounds and growing. She is an attack dog, she can take down a garbage can in microseconds. She also seems to have a problem with Kleenex boxes; I think they whisper nasty things about her behind her back.

Time for afternoon snacks.

Guess who. A hint, her purse is behind her.

This is a cute pair from North Carolina.

Thanksgiving evening, lets get a picture of the grandchildren in their pajamas.

Taking pictures of a group of grandchildren is a lot like herding ducks. I took about six or seven pictures but with their retention spans, these two were the better ones.
Jac's Pictures of Thanksgiving Day.

The pre-meal toast at the kid's table.

One of the local serving wenches, called Mom by some.

The oldest and the youngest await the lovely serving wenches.

A long shot at the table. this year there was no golden bird decorating the table. The Nana and I had cooked the turkey the day before and sliced it. On Thanksgiving Day it was presented sliced on a bed of Nana's stuffing.

Folks on one side of the table.

And more folks on the other side of the table.

Moving with purpose as my Army daughters say.

Somebody just shines, sometimes, when the camera is on him.

In central Florida there is a party school that people go to for the undergraduate experience. My parent's both graduated from there and that's where I am going to go. Go Gators!!!

Cameras everywhere.

Everybody who loves their Aunt wave their hand.

Nana holding babies against their will and making them pose for pictures.

Nana, I think I know who is making that horrible smell!