The rifle I bought as a "parts gun" January 2009.

This picture of the right side of the stock shows two breaks, one in the wrist and the other at the top of the stock just to the rear of where the bolt handle would be. Note the wrist break is not perfect, there are pieces of wood missing.

Here is another picture of the broken wrist from the left side of the stock.

This was the rifle butt after I removed the butt plate. I drilled a 1/4 inch hole centered on the screw hole. Then I drilled a 1/2 inch hole centered on the ruined area. Then I bottomed an Acraglas covered 1/4 inch oak dowel into the hole, leaving the dowel off center in the 1/2 inch hole. I then filled the 1/2 inch hole with Acraglas also.

Here you can see the 1/4 inch oak dowell firmly glassed into the butt.

Be careful removing the excess, the unneccessary saw marks are hard to get rid of.

I used some rubber exercise sheeting to bind the two pieces of stock together while the Acraglas set up. My instructions to my helper were, "Wrap it TIGHT." Well, there was some slight, <1/4 inch fore and aft, slippage which became "cast in cement (Acraglas)." 20-20hindsight says perhaps an anchoring screw would have prevented the slippage.

I used kids modeling clay as a dam to keep the Acraglas from running where you don't want it. It is possible to stiffen the Acraglas by using the fiberglas flocking that comes in the kit. My main concern with the Acraglas kit was how to mix small quantities because anything not used was lost. The compoud curves of the stock keep you from using large amounts. Basically I ended up just eyeballing the ratios. Also, modeling clay does not cleanup as easily as you might hope from small tight areas.

This is the 3/8 inch oak dowel I placed in the wrist from inside the stock which was then Acraglased into place to strengthen the wrist. I filed a groove lengthwise in each side of the dowel to allow free flow of the Acraglas even though the dowel was placed into a 1/2 inch diameter hole. The dowel is shown at approximently the angle it was placed into the wrist.

In the gun vise, almost ready for staining.

A view of the right side of the wrist prior to staining.

A view of the wrist from the underside prior to staining.

A view of the wrist from the left side. The small line connecting the obvious Acraglased areas is what the repair should have looked like. The wider areas of Acraglas were caused by slippage when the two main parts were mated, plus some wood was lost when the stock was originally broken causing a gap. And last but not least, since some areas did not seem to glass properly, I widened the slot with a Dremel which I probably would not do again.

The stock has been stained with a Min Wax Dark Walnut Stain. Put it on thick, leave it till your bored and then wipe it off. Let it dry and buff with a rag until no more rubs off.

Finished closeup of the left side of the wrist.

Finished closeup of the right side of the wrist.

The rifle was finished with three coats of Formsbys Low Gloss Tung Oil.

I like the way it looks next to the oak tree.
For more information on repairing wood rifle stocks see the Stock Care and Replacement Stocks section of the Surplus Rifle Forum. The Moderator is "candyman", he has many examples of his work shown in that section. He will work with you to help you repair it or he also will repair stocks for a fee. He helped me a lot and for that I thank him.
For more info see: http://www.surplusrifleforum.com/viewforum.php?f=83&sid=a496cea8cab1200fecba2eba0f5614f1
That looks really good, Dad!
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