The boys started off the day with a movie they selected.

When that was over, we put on this movie.

During the movies, the boys played with the toy soldiers and

the toy dinosaurs we keep in the toy box for these occassions.

Suddenly, in the middle of the second movie the two older boys were struck with starvation. This in spite of consuming yogurts , fruit and other snacks while watching and playing. As it so happens, we have a supply of "Happy Meals" not to far up the road.

Today, by special request we would be traveling by diesel power. Boys, small or large, young or old, like big trucks. Sadly, the littlest brother would not be accompaning us as he was overwhelmed by his need for a nap.

After lunch, Nana set up the slip-n-slide. Bean is ready to go after his nap and lunch. He is a great fan of doing whatever his brothers do.

The boys like the slip-n-slide, but well water is cold and it takes a little getting used to.

Still getting in.

Here is the big brother to show the others how it is done.

Bean was not into running and sliding. He just liked being wet and putting his body into the water. When I picked him up, the term "Frog Body" came to mind. That water is really really cool.

Here is Wil demonstrating his finest high speed slide.

More Wil as he hits the end zone.

This is Gus' best shot. He put a lot into this one and went all the way.

Bean getting a snack. Turns out he thinks he can feed himself. Nana is trying to get some into him between his attempts.

He does a good job, but he doesn't want a lot of help. Consequently, he doesn't eat as much as he would as when he is fed so he gets hungry more often and since he can't really tell you when he is hungry he sometimes acts grumpy. At least that's Nana's theory.

Just a cute shot of a boy mugging for the camera.

Later in the evening, it was tub time. All of the grandchildren have always liked tub time.

He was washing his own face, but camera lag screwed that up. By the time the shot was taken he was watching the water run out of the washcloth.

He knows he is freaking cute.

Bean is washing Wil's head for him. That's what brothers are for.

The living room while Gus watches tv during his brother's bath. The forts have been dismantled and the toy soldiers and dinosaurs have been picked up but as you can see there is still more to do.
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