Coon Hollo Corn Maze Rules for use.

Corn Maze Entrance

The Corn Maze is not really corn as this Yankee understands it. Only the outside row around the maze was actually corn. One in the crowd opined that the corn maze was probably sorghum. Whatever it was, it was thick

The path leading in, it's about 30-36 inches wide.

My grandson aka Beanie is leading the charge of our group. He is actually trying to catch up with his older brothers as we go into the maze.

A few minutes later his mom wants to take his picture. You can see concern on his face. Since he doesn't talk yet, we can't tell whether he wants his brothers or he does not like the maze.

More anxious and exhibiting more concern.

By now he is not having a good time and he wants out of the maze.

Looking for the exit. It wasn't as easy to find as one might think.

A John Deere tractor parked as an exhibit and a photo opportunity for kids and adults alike.

Another grandson, aka Wil using his best photo face for his mother.

A shot of Wil while he has lost focus on the camera.

An Oliver Row Crop 60 Tractor on display.

A vice mounted on a post in a field. I suspect it could be moved and used for on the spot field repairs of equipment rather than trying to get the equipment to the barn for repairs.

A very large and I'm sure very heavy anvil.

An old General Motors Truck set up as a display.

A Diamond T truck also on display.

A Farmall 360 Tractor on display.

A kids ride made up of plastic barrels being towed by a small tractor. Each barrel can hold an adult and small child or perhaps two children.

A bull rider or bronco buster ride operated by all of your friends. The rider mounts a barrel and by swinging/pulling the ropes, your friends attempt to help you off.

Beanie in a good mood and having fun.

Wil airborne as he jumps from one hay bale to another.

Dad and son, aka Gus posing for mom to get their picture.

A paintball gun range. It seemed to be very popular. It certainly held my interest.

How do little people climb a mountain of hay?

An unnamed someone has just spotted a camera pointed in his direction.

Another shot of someone trying to sing or maybe whistle a song.

I am no farmer, but I'm going to say that is a Vietnamese Pot Bellied Pig.

The Blushing Bride having fun watching her grandchild and his mom.

A budding amateur photographer, you saw it here first folks.

A genuine leap. Beanie is jumping from a bale of hay into a small pile next to it. The drop was probably a little more than one foot. I asked him if he wanted to jump into the hay pile and he did.

As we were leaving the hay pile, Beanie discovered a slide which he started to climb.

He was a little nervous on his first slide but Nana and Cheez agreed to hold his hand so away he went.

Dad is holding his hand in this shot while Cheez takes his picture.

The slide ride went on for more than twenty minutes, one slide down after another. He only stopped if someone else came along so they could have a turn. When they went down, Beanie was right behind them. I think this was his "hit of the show".

This setup was so you could learn how to milk a cow.

A pumpkin display between Nana's Store and their ready to eat food store.

A display leading into the corn maze.
All in all, I think most of us had a great time. We left about 6:00 pm when it was starting to get chilly. And on the way home we also stopped for some great pizza.
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