Everybody likes to open a present Christmas Eve.

Fun times in Mom's lap on Christmas Eve.

The baby really likes Shasta; whose big nose can be seen in the lower left corner of this picture.

Christmas Eve 2009, the stockings are hung and the children are in bed.

Christmas morning.

Placing Bunny in the baby swing.

Sometimes the first thing you see seems to hold your attention. That was the case of this baby swing.

But then the swing was almost immediately replaced by the new baby and the new baby stroller.

Somewhere Nana located some small play baby bottles, one a "milk" bottle and the other a "juice" bottle.

A runny nosed Mom feeds her new baby. She was serious, she did not want any advice or assistance from Nana or anyone else. Like her brother she seems to already know what she knows.

Later in the day, more grandchildren arrived from their house for a sharing of Christmas Cheer.

More gifts were exchanged.

While dad fits a new pair of sneakers on one child's foot another shows of his new Leapster game.

Busy children checking things out all around the tree.

Even the adults have things to check out.

Mother and son looking at things together.

The last Christmas present has been claimed.
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