The Wedding Rehearsal, 09-24-10
Lined up for a practice run.

The ladies side lined up for the practice run.

The main participants receiving their instructions.

Mingling with one of the nephews-in-waiting.

A main event, the Rehearsal Dinner.

The chow line, good food and lots of it.

Lots of laughing and scratching going on.

One of the Groomsman, who is also a Bridegroom in training sitting next to his future Bride.

The Best Man.
The Wedding, 09-25-10
Ryan waiting in the Grooms Room.

Playing Hangman to fill in the time.

Flowers for the Bridal Party.

More time in the Groom's Room.

More Hangman, these guys sure seem to know their movie titles.

A good shot if I do say so.

Time to flower up. Luckily it was only the flower that got pinned.

Groomsman and father of the Groom. I wear many hats.

A reaction to one of the groomsman checking to see if his flower was firmly in place.

A Mohican and a tuxedo, but he is Irish.

I can't tell whether he is planning his own wedding or thinking about being goalie on the soccer field.

Playing spin the little guy in the chair. It was at his insistence.

Checking out the dance floor before the party started. He was "busting a move" but I didn't have a video camera to catch it.

The reception area awaits the wedding party.

The Groom's Cake.

The Wedding Cake. And yes, it was delicious.

Checking their pictures on the digital camera.

Another shot of "Spin the boy".

It's very close to "Here comes the Bride."

The Best Man, Groomsmen amd Bride's parents are all ready.

The Groom awaits.

In position,

and ready to go.

Here comes the Bride.

The Bride and the Groom are ready.

Placing the ring on her finger.

The new Mr and Mrs Ryan and Jenn.

The Best man and groomsman awaiting to have their pictures taken.

One of the family photos.

The Bridesmaids waiting to have their pictures taken after the wedding.

Sponsors with the bride and groom.

Back of the brides dress.

Some of Groom's family.

More of his family.

Some more also.

Major meltdown by very tired nephew who traveled far to be there.

I told you the cake was delicious.

The Official Photographer.


More Dancers

Dancing for money.

A shot of the Brides dress while she is dancing.

One of my other hats is taking care of grandchildren.

Applebees, 09-26-10. Nobody would bet that the Bride and Groom would show, including the waitress. And as you can see by the picture... they did not.
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