The Fleet in port. This by the way is my initial park job in my driveway. It is in straight but about 8 feet to the right of where I wanted to put it. This took about 1/2 hour and I was ragged so when I got it straight I quit.

The fifth wheel is a 2002 Titanium 28E33SB by Glendale. It measures, I think, 33 feet from bumper to pin. Then it goes on for awhile until you reach the nose.

It is an all weather unit built in Canada.

More pictures will follow but the last two days have been long and busy.

Rear picture window. I can't show the inside because the truck prevents me from opening the slide.

You can't really tell from the picture but the truck is wearing a new set of dancing shoes. Yesterday when we initially hooked up the fiver to the truck we found out the left inside tire would not hold air. So we unhooked and I spent half a day today at Tire Kingdom re-shoeing the truck.

As the say, it looks bad. Tomorrow I will hook it up again and drag it around for awhile; perhaps I might even go over to an old Wal-Mart store and practice backing in to some parking spaces. I'm going to be running my own "flight school" for awhile before I actually go anywhere.
The number one task turned out to be new truck tires. The ones on the truck while only traveling about 19,000 miles were over 5 years old. The number two task will be to replace the trailer tires, they are 10 years old. Well inspecting them tonight, looking for the year date I found one has cracks in it, it may have been used with low or no air pressure. My "flight school" maybe on hold until the tires are replaced.
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